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Why Do Developmental Screenings?

Screening is basically a snapshot of a child’s development at a single point in time. It is a tool ALL parents, child care providers, and health care providers can use to capture children’s strengths, as well as identify children who should receive more intensive assessment or diagnosis, for potential developmental delays. It can allow for earlier detection of delays and improve child health and well-being for identified children.

Other details about developmental screening:

  - A tool that has been tested by researchers to ensure that its measuring developmental milestones seen in all children as they grow.
  - Can be done ongoing to monitor the child as they grow.
  - To be able to better identify your children’s strengths.
  - To give you new ideas to use in play with your children and make this time more useful in their development.

What is Developmental Screening?

Do you wonder what your child should be doing at this age? Developmental screening can show how your child is growing and changing over time, and whether your child is meeting the typical developmental milestones in playing, learning, speaking, behaving, and moving.  Developmental Screenings also help identify any areas of concern in your child’s development.

Doing a screening is as simple as playing with your child!

Other benefits of developmental screening:

  - To be able to better identify your children’s strengths.
  - To give you ways to talk to your doctor or other professionals about your concerns with your children.
  - To track your children’s progress over time – a simple way to “journal” their milestone achievement.
  - To give you new ideas to use in play with your children and make this time more useful in their development.

What is the Actual Developmental Screening Tool?

Help Me Grow Solano uses the Ages and Stages Questionnaire -Third Edition (ASQ-3) and Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social Emotional-Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2) which are reliable and evidence-based tools used by many health care providers.  ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 are available in English and Spanish.

  • The ASQ-3 is a great tool for you that helps to reveal your child’s strengths, uncover any areas of concern, and determine if there are community resources or services that may be useful for your child or your family.
  • Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social Emotional-Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2) focuses on behavior and social-emotional development in young children and makes sure they are on schedule.

COMMUNICATION - Verbal abilities including comprehension and expression.

GROSS MOTOR - The use of arms, legs and other large muscles used to sit, crawl, walk, run, etc.

FINE MOTOR - The coordination and movements of hands and fingers.

PROBLEM SOLVING - How your child plays with toys and solves problems.

PERSONAL-SOCIAL - The ability to help self and interact with other people.

So How Does It Work?

We send you the correct ASQ for your child’s age, and you complete the screening by answering six simple questions in the five areas listed above, appropriate for your child’s age. Remember that your answers help show your child’s strengths and areas where he or she may need support.

Once you have completed the questionnaire, you can mail it to the Help Me Grow Family Navigators who will contact you once they receive it to go over the outcome and discuss next steps you would like to take.
How Do I Get ASQ For My Child?

Contact a Help Me Grow Family Navigator at 844-501-5437 or complete the online connection form (click on the Get Connected button) and a Family Navigator will contact you to explain how the screening process works.

Once you have spoken to a Family Navigator or if you have used the ASQ screening tool before, you can click on the Online Developmental Screening button below and get started.


»ASQ-3 in English
»ASQ-3 in Spanish