Sun & Water Safety for Children
Summer is here! And therefore so is hot weather, higher UV rays, and everyone itching to get outside and spend some time in the pool. Now is the most important time to make sure you are protecting your children from sun exposure and ensuring their safety around water.
Sun Protection Tips
For ages 0-6 months, avoid direct sunlight and avoid sunscreen (a baby’s delicate skin is not able to process the chemicals just yet). At 6-12 months, babies can use sunscreen but it should be specifically non-stinging and made for infants. You should still work to avoid prolonged sun exposure. Once they reach the toddler/preschool age, use sunscreen and try to limit exposure by spending peak daylight hours in a shady location. For all ages, be sure to wear light, breathable clothing and make sure SPF is 30 or higher.
Click here to learn more: Sun Safety for Children and Babies | Patient Education | UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals (
Water Safety Tips
When it comes to the “right time” to bring your child into the water, every child is different! Experts agree that swimming lessons are a great first step and can greatly reduce the risk of drowning. However, if you choose to bring your baby into the pool before they are given swimming lessons, always keep a tight hold on them while in the water. Pool floaties for their age and size can be helpful, but they are not 100% accident proof! Make sure to always be aware of your environment and your child. Finally, it is helpful to dress your child in bright colors to make them more visible in the water.
Learn more at this link: Water Safety for Toddlers and Babies – Mommybites
Summer activities can be enjoyed by everyone as long if you take the right measures to keep you and your family safe. Follow these tips and you’ll be sure to have a great summer!